Terms and Conditions


For Visitor:

In order for the visitor to utilize completely the platform services, he must accurately complete the relevant information so that the service provider is aware of their visitors' knowledge and the services are obtained safely and securely for both parties. It contains the following details:

Sensitive information about the visitor and the service provider will not be displayed until the reservation request is submitted, and payment will not be transferred to the service provider's account until the visitor has received the full service.


For Service Provider:

In order for the service provider to be able to use the platform services, he must complete the required information correctly so that he can obtain the information in a secure manner. It contains the following details:


To ensure that distinguished, comfortable, and safe services are provided to visitors, the service provider must meet the following basic requirements:

Terms and Conditions for Visitor:

Terms of the Agreement

By accessing and using the hyyak platform, you agree to accept, without modification, limitation or conditions, all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, you acknowledge and guarantee your legal right to enter this agreement and use the site in accordance with all terms and conditions contained here.


Modify Terms

hyyak platform makes every effort to give the most accurate information on the website. However, errors do occur from time to time, and hyyak platform and any of our partners are not responsible for any errors in the material included on the platform's website.

The website contains information on the services and products provided by the hyyak platform as well as any third party. The information and other resources on the Website are presented entirely honestly. By using the website or application, you accept and understand that the website may, at any time and without notice, update, change, or modify the terms and conditions, customer service policy, or other information given.

The Terms and Conditions take effect as soon as they are posted on the Website and have no retroactive effect on any reservations made through it before.

You should read these terms and conditions each time you use the site to ensure that you understand all of the terms and conditions listed above. As a result, by continuing to use the site, you agree to any changes to the terms and conditions and usage policy.


Reservation Terms

By making a reservation using the Platform, you declare and agree to use the Website only to determine the availability of services and products listed on the Website and to assist you in making legal reservations.

You shall only use the Site Services for valid reservations, and you will advise all other persons on whose behalf you will be making the reservation of the terms of your reservation, including all regulations and restrictions that apply to them.

To avoid making false or speculative reservations, or in anticipation of demand, hyyak reserves the right to cancel all reservations to one or more places on the same date without prior notice.

When you make a reservation through hyyak platform, you agree to and fully comply with the terms imposed on the visitor by the platform, host, or service provider, which include cancellation or no-show laws, property preservation laws, and everything else that is imposed on you while receiving the service. It is also your obligation to follow all of our unique terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, full and timely payment of all sums due and compliance with all rules governing the availability of prices, products, or services, and any charges.



hyyak platform is not responsible for the availability or correctness of the host's or service provider's service; however, if the customer disagrees with the service description, the customer has the right to submit a complaint with the venue management or service provider. hyyak management may also take necessary measures against the host or service provider.

hyyak platform is not responsible for any damage caused to the visitor by the host or service provider or any dispute between the two parties, as hyyak platform is only an intermediary that connects the two parties to each other and does not provide any guarantees or compensation, and in the event of any damage or dispute, the platform management undertakes to provide the person affected by the host or service provider's data, if this is possible.

hyyak platform undertakes all reasonable efforts to assure the site's efficiency and the availability of all linked services, but it cannot guarantee continuous or uninterrupted operation. hyyak makes no express or implied claims about the content of the site and reserves the right to disclaim all warranties to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Your use of the software and other materials on or through the site is at your own risk. hyyak makes no guarantees about the accuracy or virus-free status of such software. Subject to applicable law, hyyak, its licensors, suppliers, and service providers will not accept any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential, or exemplary damages of any kind (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, savings, or revenue, or loss of or corruption of data or information) arising out of or in connection with the use of or inability to use the hyyak website, whether based on breach of contract, tort, negligence, product liability, or otherwise, even if you have been notified of the possibility of any damages, This includes any information, products, or services obtained on or through the website or application.


Terms and Conditions for Service Provider:

Terms of the Agreement

By accessing and using the hyyak platform, you agree to accept, without modification, limitation or conditions, all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, you acknowledge and guarantee your legal right to enter this agreement and use the site in accordance with all terms and conditions contained here.


Modify Terms

hyyak platform makes every effort to give the most accurate information on the website. However, errors do occur from time to time, and hyyak platform and any of our partners are not responsible for any errors in the material included on the platform's website.

The website contains information on the services and products provided by the hyyak platform as well as any third party. The information and other resources on the Website are presented entirely honestly. By using the website or application, you accept and understand that the website may, at any time and without notice, update, change, or modify the terms and conditions, customer service policy, or other information given.

The Terms and Conditions take effect as soon as they are posted on the Website and have no retroactive effect on any reservations made through it before.

You should read these terms and conditions each time you use the site to ensure that you understand all of the terms and conditions listed above. As a result, by continuing to use the site, you agree to any changes to the terms and conditions and usage policy.


Conditions for Adding Accommodations or Services:

By using the platform, you declare and agree that you will only use the site to show and provide services and products, and you will be bound by the terms, conditions, and standards imposed by the hyyak platform.

    • The service provider is fully responsible for the safety and security of the service.
    • The service provider guarantees that he possesses all permits required by law and order (if required).
    • The service provider agrees to create a detailed account of the service that includes:
  1. Location
  2. Beginning and ending dates, as well as duration
  3. The essential conditions and requirements, such as type, category, minimum age, cancellation fees after reservation confirmation (if any), available and unavailable tools, tools that must be brought, quantity available, security and safety information, and so on. 
    • The service provider guarantees that all information is truthful and correct.
    • The service provider guarantees that the pricing on hyyak platform is less than or equivalent to the price of the service provided on any other platform, including direct booking from the service's owner.
    • The service provider agrees to arrange all service requirements well in advance of the visitor's arrival, and to be present before the visitor's arrival if necessary, if a breach of this is proven.
    • The site reserves the right to delete the service or restrict the service provider from providing it if:
  1. It includes or contains legal or inappropriate violations, or includes anything that in any way affects religion, values, or the country's policy.
  2. The validity of the service provider's information has not been confirmed.
  3. Price manipulation and failure to set the agreed-upon price.
  4. If the inability to attend services that require the personal presence of the service provider or whoever is acting on his behalf legally or legitimately is repeated
  5. If reservations for provided services are consistently rejected.
  6. If the delay in notifying the visitor of the service's unavailability or inability to perform it is repeated due to unforeseeable or unexpected reasons and situations.
  7. If the evaluation/rating is stable and does not improve in any way.
  8. If visitors regularly gave them negative feedback.
  9. If visitors filed a complaint against them and the complaint was proven to be legitimate.
  10. If regularly late for visitors, when needed.
    • The service provider agrees to keep the availability of services up to date, and if they are not available, this is informed explicitly and unambiguously.
    • In the case of service providers, the standards and quality team to confirm the legitimacy of the service and performance may test the service.
    • The owner of a service registered on hyyak platform, whose membership has been granted, must supply the service personally and is not authorized to delegate this responsibility to anyone else until the authorization is acknowledged by the appropriate authorities.